AA) Third-party Shipmanagement (Technical and Crewing): Operational and capital risk-based asset and Ship Management applications using applicable methodologies of assessment and analysis.
Assessments prior to acquisition of new and old marine and offshore assets
Assessments of Fleet / vessel operational readiness in terms of: (i) operational capability, (ii) repair and maintenance, (iii) necessary refits and (iv) procurement status, (v) fitness for purpose of a charter.
Engineering prognosis for asset life-cycle management and Feasibility of Life Extension of Marine and Offshore assets.
Risk-based Physical Asset Integrity Management Approach.
Vessel / Fleet Structural, Operational, Safety and Environmental risk assessments.
BB) Services in support of Vessel Ship Management, Operation and Regulatory Compliance.
and Services to Marine Industrial concerns
Vessel / Fleet Condition assessments: Structural, Operational (Power plants and associated systems, Machinery, Electric and Automation equipment and systems, Piping and Cargo systems, Navigation and Safety equipment, Energy efficiency).
Ship-born and Industrial Emissions reduction technology – Cold Ironing.
Energy efficiency of Marine and Industrial Power Plants.
BWM-T systems: Retrofit and New Installations for compliance with IMO and EPA/USCG Final Rule
Emissions Compliance - new installations and retrofitting of Green technologies.
HAZMAT - Compliance / IHM Preparation and Maintenance.
Expert evaluation of Coating applications and Paint material for Marine and Offshore projects
New installations and refits of Marine, Offshore and Industrial concerns– design / engineering review
and applications
Drydocking superintendence and management
Quality Assurance audits and implementation of QC procedures.
Marine and Industrial safety audits
Vessel condition surveys, Pre-purchase surveys
Warranty surveys
Commercial surveys
Expert Witness and Inspection services
Third party Verification services
Valuation of Shipyard Assets
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